Since 2014

Computer Usage Policy

The School provides access to various computer resources, including the school network, and the internet. These resources are available to facilitate the learning process in a supportive school environment and to provide quality learning outcomes for our students. The School encourages students to become familiar with the use of information technology in the achievement of learning outcomes and personal learning goals.

As responsible member of the school community, it is expected that all students will follow and adhere to the guidelines established below. These guidelines are based on respect, common sense, school rules and procedures, as well as other state and federal legislation.

For the benefit of all users, students are expected to observe the following:

Use of Information Technology Equipment

The school has endeavored to ensure that all students’ work can be saved, stored and accessed in a secure manner. It is expected that all students will respect the right of other students to use the network resources.

It is expected that all students will respect the information technology equipment with which they have been provided, and realize that using this equipment is a privilege, not a right. This privilege can be withdrawn if necessary as set down in the Behavior Management Plan.

Access protocols include:

Log in using your own appropriate ID. It is never acceptable to use someone else’s ID or share your password with another person.
Use computers for the purpose directed by the teacher in charge. Students are not to play games or use other software unless the teacher has given specific permission for this.

Do not tamper with the computer system. It is unacceptable to seek access to restricted areas of the computer network.
Do not swap around any equipment. That is, no changing of keyboards, mice or other equipment from one computer to another.
Report all equipment faults to the teacher immediately.
Computers are not to be used unless permission has been given by appropriate staff.

Passwords: (for computers with individual user log on)

Keep your password secret. If you suspect that someone may know your password, see your class teacher to have it changed.
It is unacceptable to gain, or attempt to gain, another person’s password or personal information.

It is the student’s responsibility to remember that password. If a student forgets their password, he/she is to see the system administrator to have a new password provided.


The school has provided printing facilities for students to obtain printouts of their work. Students are expected to use the printers for school purposes only and endeavor to keep paper wastage to a minimum.

Before printing, always proofread, spell check, and print preview your document.
When completely satisfied with the final product, print your document. Place unwanted printouts in the recycling box.

Where possible, use duplex (i.e. double-sided) printing options.

Use of the Internet

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a world-wide network of individuals, groups, communities, and organizations linked via computer and telecommunication lines. In trying to visualize the Internet, people often describe it as a gigantic library, others an infinitely large encyclopedia, while others as a jungle of intertwined information not a spider’s web.

Why are educational institutions using the Internet?

Teachers and students are using the Internet to locate information, send electronic mail, browse documents or images from various sites such as universities, libraries and other organizations. They are sharing or publishing information and ideas on topics of educational interest. Students will use the Internet for educational purposes in curriculum projects with the assistance and guidance of their teachers.

Educational institutions use the Internet for: Electronic mail

Accessing information Electronic publishing Collaboration with others Curriculum projects
Support and in-service training Technical support

What about the availability of unacceptable material on the Internet?

There has been a lot of media attention on the unacceptable materials found on the Internet. Given that there is no guaranteed means of preventing students’ exposure of this material, other strategies must be adopted. This School has developed monitoring strategies, by providing appropriate levels of supervision to students using the Internet and checks of logs of sites accessed. The other part of our strategy is developing responsibility and awareness amongst teachers, parents and students of possible problems and the procedures for dealing with them.

What are the responsibilities of each member of the school community?

The Role of the School

The School undertakes a commitment to provide appropriate and financial resources to facilitate the successful incorporation of access to Information Communication Technology services throughout the curriculum in accordance with established school policies and procedures. In addition, the school will actively support the professional development of all staff to ensure the effective inclusion of information technologies, including the relevant information skills, into the school’s curriculum.

The Role of the Staff within the School

The School expects that each staff member will aim to incorporate appropriate use of electronic information throughout the curriculum (as they would any other curriculum resource) and that teachers and staff will provide guidance and instructions to students in the appropriate use of such resources, Staff will facilitate student access to curriculum information resources appropriate to the individual student’s instructional needs, learning styles, abilities and developmental levels.

The Role of Parents

Parents and career ultimately responsible for setting the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources, and ensuring that these standards are met. This school expects that these standards will be in accordance with the School Mission Statement, Student Code of Conduct and other school policies including, but not limited to, the signed School Internet Access Agreement.

The Role of Students

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school computer network as detailed in the school’s Student Code of Conduct relation to general school behavior. They must comply with specific computer rules including those outlined specifically within the Computer Usage Policy and Internet Access Agreement.

Communications on the information networks are public and users should not expect that files stored on school equipment will always be private. General school rules for student behavior, conduct and standards will apply. Individual uses of the school networks are responsible for their behavior and communications over these networks. It is presumed that students will comply with school standards and will honor the agreements they have signed.


Students are expected to respect and adhere to the laws concerning copyright and other people’s ideas. Students must have permission before copying files from another user. Copying files or ideas belonging to another user or author without their permission may constitute plagiarism or theft.

Breach of Rules

Breaches of this Policy and the Internet Access Agreement may result in students being excluded from using the school’s computer equipment and/or other disciplinary action as per the Behavior Management Plan.

Student Internet Access Agreement

Students are encouraged to become familiar with the use of information technology. This agreement must be signed by students and parents/guardians annually and returned to the School’s office in order for access to the Internet through the School’s computer network to be allowed. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the appropriate personnel at the School if they require more information about this form.


I understand that the Internet can connect me to useful information. While I have access to the Internet, I will follow all rules as stated in the Computer Usage Policy.



Reveal any private information such as another person’s name, address or phone number.

Attempt to retrieve, view or disseminate any obscene, offensive or illegal material. Send anonymous or falsely addressed electronic mail.

Download or print information without permission from my teacher.

Use chat channels
Disclose my home address, telephone number or any credit card or pin number. Attempt to change or tamper with the computer network in any way.

If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous of offensive, I will

Minimize my screen, and
Immediately and quietly inform my teacher.

I understand that if the School decides I have broken this agreement, I may be prevented from using the Internet for a period of time.